Failed to compile OpenEDR

I downloaded the file as a zip, opened edrav2\build\vs2019 using Visual Studio 2019 with admin rights and compiled edrav2.sln but it failed.
Attached image is the error message.
1597 out of 1605 are LNK2001 or LNK2019 and the content starts with “unresolved external symbol ~”

What should I do to make the compilation succeed?

hi @kueda , you may simply install pre-built open source EDR release from here:

you may also download the source code (zip or tar.gz) from above URL and build yourself.

I neglected to check Release.
Thanks for the response.

hi, did you compile successfully? i also want to compile it myself, but i have the same problem as you, can you tell me how you solved it? thank!

hi @JasmTome

You could install pre-built open source EDR release from here:


Release v2.5.1.0 Release · ComodoSecurity/openedr

you may also download the source code (zip or tar.gz) from above URL and build yourself.

Thanks, my source code is downloaded from this URL, but there are the same problems when compiling

hi @JasmTome

Apologize that you are facing this issue.

Request you to drop an email all the details to " " which will automatically create ticket. Internal discussions about your issue have already begun and opening a ticket provides us with a communication path between you and support. The follow up process is also will be crystal clear as all you would require is to reply back to the same reply email with your queries and doubts which you receive back.

Please make sure to include your contact information , all error screenshots and other details related to issue when you drop the email.

Thank you!