What base_eventType values and baseType values says in openEDR logs in windows

i have installed openEDR agent in windows endpoint and parsed the openEDR logs inside elk using filebeat and logstash plugin. Below are the fields.

  1. _id: Unique identifier for the log entry.
  2. _index: Index name where the log entry is stored.
  3. _score: Score of the log entry (typically used in search results).
  4. @timestamp: Timestamp of when the log entry was recorded.
  5. @version: Version of the log entry.
  6. agent.ephemeral_id: Ephemeral identifier for the agent responsible for collecting the log entry.
  7. agent.id: Identifier for the agent responsible for collecting the log entry.
  8. agent.name: Name of the agent responsible for collecting the log entry.
  9. agent.type: Type of agent responsible for collecting the log entry.
  10. agent.version: Version of the agent responsible for collecting the log entry.
  11. ecs.version: Version of the ECS (Elastic Common Schema) used.
  12. event.original: The original event data before parsing.
  13. host.architecture: Architecture of the host system.
  14. host.hostname: Hostname of the system where the event occurred.
  15. host.id: Unique identifier for the host system.
  16. host.ip: IP addresses associated with the host system.
  17. host.mac: MAC address of the host system.
  18. host.name: Name of the host system.
  19. host.os.build: Build version of the operating system.
  20. host.os.family: Family of the operating system (e.g., Windows).
  21. host.os.kernel: Kernel version of the operating system.
  22. host.os.name: Name of the operating system.
  23. host.os.platform: Platform of the operating system (e.g., Windows).
  24. host.os.type: Type of operating system (e.g., Windows).
  25. host.os.version: Version of the operating system.
  26. input.type: Type of input used to collect the log entry.
  27. log.file.idxhi: High index of the log file.
  28. log.file.idxlo: Low index of the log file.
  29. log.file.path: Path of the log file.
  30. log.file.vol: Volume of the log file.
  31. log.offset: Offset within the log file where the entry was read.
  32. parsed_json.baseEventType: Base event type.
  33. parsed_json.baseType: Base type.
  34. parsed_json.childProcess.*: Information about child processes.
  35. parsed_json.customerId: Customer ID.
  36. parsed_json.deviceName: Name of the device.
  37. parsed_json.endpointId: Endpoint ID.
  38. parsed_json.processes.*: Information about processes.
  39. parsed_json.sessionUser: User associated with the session.
  40. parsed_json.time: Time associated with the parsed JSON.
  41. parsed_json.type: Type of parsed JSON.
  42. parsed_json.version: Version of parsed JSON.
  43. tags: Additional tags applied to the log entry.
    these many fields i’m able to see in discover of openEDR logs

i have created a dashboard for these fields but it was not informative because

here it showing the base event and base in number how could we know that what it define. I also searched about those i’m not getting any information about that numbers.

as it showing the file path how can i detect the malware from it

please suggest!!! fast :pensive:

hi @immaculate

I will check with the internal team and back to you

thank you

yes please!
thank you!

hi @immaculate

Please refer to the below links

hello thank you for your response
I have gone through the above things but IDK how i have to implement those for the below things:

" here it showing the base event and base in number how could we know that what it define. I also searched about those i’m not getting any information about that numbers.
as it showing the file path how can i detect the malware from it "

openedr/edrav2/iprj/libcore/inc/events.hpp at release-2.5 · ComodoSecurity/openedr · GitHub if this link is the explanation about what base_event field number means. Then what about base_type field numbers means

can you explain please !
i’m a newbie for openedr.

hi @immaculate

Thank you for writing to us, I have shared your query with the backend team to look into it

hi, any response from backend team?

hi @immaculate

team is looking into it , once received feedback , I shall let you know.

its been 8 days any response from backend team! :pensive:

hi @immaculate

apologies for the delay , i will get in touch with backend team and get back to you on update.